Crown Flour Mill Aptitude Test Past Questions And Answers
Are you preparing for the upcoming Crown Flour Mill Aptitude test? This Crown Flour Mill Aptitude Test Past Questions And Answers is your best preparation resource for passing the assessment test. It contains well-explained answers to past questions using actual samples.
Learn how to effectively solve the questions and confidently select the correct answers during your test.
The Crown Flour Mill Test is conducted by Dragnet and it covers the following areas
- Numerical Reasoning
- Verbal Reasoning and
- Abstract Reasoning
Sample Crown Flour Mill Aptitude Test Past Questions And Answers
1. What is the coefficient of x2y2?in (x + 1)2?. (x + 1)3?
a) 1
b) 5
c) 2
d) 10
Explanation: We know that (a + b)2?= a2?+ 2ab + b2
(a + b)3?= a3?+ 3ab2?+ 3a2b + b2
Using these formulae, we get
P(x) = (x2?+ 2xy + y2)(x3?+ 3xy2?+ 3x2y + y2)
P(x) = 3xy4?+ 9x2y3?+ 10x3y2?+ 5x4y + x5?+ y4?+ 2xy3?+ x2y2
The coefficient of x2y2?in (x + 1)2?. (x + 1)3?is 1.
2. What is the remainder when 848?is divided by 63?
a) 4
b) 2
c) 1
d) 7
Explanation: 858?can be written as (82)24.
848?= (64)24
848?= (63 + 1)24
We know that (60 + 1)24?=??r=24r=0(24Cr 6324 ? r?1r)
= 24C0?6324?40?+ 24C1?6323?41?+?.+24C23?631?423?+ 24C24?630?124
= 63 x k + 1
Therefore, the remainder will be 1.
3. What is the remainder when 4103?is divided by 17?
a) 10
b) 14
c) 13
d) 16
Explanation: 4103?= 4 x 4102
4103?= 4 x (42)51
4103?= 4 x (16)51
4103?= 4 x (17 ? 1)51
4103?= 4 x??r=51r=0(51Cr 1724 ? r?(-1)r
4103?= 4 x [51C0?1751?(-1)0?+ 51C1?1751?(-1)1?+?.+ 51C50?171?(-1)50?+ 51C51?170?(-1)51] 4103?= 4 x 17 x k ? 1
The remainder = 17 ? 1
Remainder = 16.
4. What is the integral part of (?3 + 1)8?
a) 1558
b) 1551
c) 1552
d) 1556
Explanation: By binomial expansion,
(?3 + 1)7?=??r=7r=0(7Cr ?37 ? r?(1)r)
Whenever, r is an even number, 8 ? r will also be even. Then ?3 will also have an even power and thereby be integral.
Integral parts = 8C0?(?3)0?+ 8C2?(?3)2?+ 8C4?(?3)4?+ 8C6?(?3)6?+ 8C8?(?3)8
Integral parts = 1 + 28 x 3 + 70 x 9 + 28 x 27 + 1 x 81
Integral part = 1552.
1: Antonym of Licentious ?
A) Continent
B) Confused talk
C) Clear
D) Close
Answer: A
2: Antonym of Rabid ?
A) Frantic
B) Sober
C) Chaos
D) Vulgar
Answer: B
3: Antonym of Ravenous ?
A) Greedy
B) Very Hungry
C) Assuaged
D) None of these
Answer: C
4. ??. are a set of words which form a class in terms of their similarity of form, function and meaning.
A. phrase
B. clause
C. word class
D. adverb
Answer: C.
5. Identify an abstract noun from the words given below.
A. iron
B. cattle
C. thomas
D. pain
Answer: D.
6. The book was lying on the table.
A. book is a common noun
B. book is a proper noun
C. book is a collective noun
D. book is an abstract noun
Answer: A.
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