Amag buz Venture Aptitude Test Past Questions
This Amag buz Venture Aptitude Test Past Questions study pack helps you to prepare for Amag buz Venture graduate trainee assessments. It helps you familiarize yourself with the kind of questions you will face in the test using actual questions from previous exams.
Amag buz Venture uses aptitude assessments as part of their multi-stage assessment procedures for the selection and development of staff. Research has shown that they are powerful predictors of performance at work. The test is usually conducted by the in-house recruitment department or outsourced to recruitment companies like solidhire, mettl or workforce group.
Sample questions for Amag buz Venture Past Questions and Answers
Question 1:
If the cost of a product is $80 and it is sold for $120, what is the percentage profit?
A) 25%
B) 33.33%
C) 50%
D) 66.67%
Question 2:
If a car travels 240 miles in 4 hours, what is its average speed in miles per hour?
A) 40 mph
B) 50 mph
C) 60 mph
D) 70 mph
Question 3:
A company’s revenue in the first quarter was $500,000. In the second quarter, it increased by 20%. What was the second-quarter revenue?
A) $100,000
B) $400,000
C) $520,000
D) $600,000
Question 4:
A rectangular field is 30 meters long and 20 meters wide. What is its area in square meters?
A) 400 sq. m
B) 500 sq. m
C) 600 sq. m
D) 700 sq. m
Question 5:
If the original price of a laptop is $800 and it is currently on sale for 15% off, what is the sale price?
A) $120
B) $680
C) $720
D) $850
Question 6:
If 15 workers can complete a project in 10 days, how many days would it take for 10 workers to complete the same project?
A) 6 days
B) 10 days
C) 15 days
D) 25 days
Question 7:
A store offers a discount of 25% on all items. If the discounted price of a shirt is $45, what was its original price?
A) $30
B) $40
C) $50
D) $60
Question 8:
If a train travels 300 miles in 5 hours, what is its average speed in kilometers per hour (1 mile = 1.60934 kilometers)?
A) 90 km/h
B) 100 km/h
C) 120 km/h
D) 150 km/h
Question 9:
If the population of a city increased from 120,000 to 150,000, what was the percentage increase?
A) 20%
B) 25%
C) 30%
D) 40%
Question 10:
A recipe calls for 2 cups of flour to make 24 cookies. How many cups of flour would be needed to make 36 cookies using the same recipe?
A) 2.5 cups
B) 3 cups
C) 3.5 cups
D) 4 cups
Question 1:
Which of the following words is the closest in meaning to “Eloquent”?
A) Silent
B) Talkative
C) Fluent
D) Boring
Question 2:
Identify the antonym (opposite) of the word “Benevolent.”
A) Malevolent
B) Kind
C) Generous
D) Compassionate
Question 3:
In which sentence is the word “Ubiquitous” used correctly?
A) The rare flower is ubiquitous in this region.
B) His talent for singing is truly ubiquitous.
C) Cell phones have become ubiquitous in modern society.
D) The small town was known for its ubiquitous population.
Question 4:
Choose the sentence with the correct use of the word “Principal.”
A) The principle of the matter was clear to everyone.
B) He’s the principle investigator on the research project.
C) The principal reason for the delay was the bad weather.
D) The principle called a meeting to address the students’ concerns.
Question 5:
Select the synonym for the word “Eminent.”
A) Common
B) Famous
C) Insignificant
D) Ordinary
Question 6:
Which sentence uses “Effect” correctly?
A) The new law will effect positive change in the community.
B) The medicine had an adverse affect on his health.
C) The scientist was awarded for her exceptional efforts in the field of climate change effects.
D) The detective worked diligently to effect the capture of the criminal.
Question 7:
Identify the sentence with the correct use of “Their.”
A) There going to the party later.
B) Their going to the party later.
C) They’re going to the party later.
D) There going to the party later.
Question 8:
What does the idiom “Bite the bullet” mean?
A) To eat something quickly
B) To endure a difficult situation courageously
C) To argue with someone
D) To avoid making a decision
Question 9:
Choose the sentence with the correct use of “Too.”
A) He’s to tired to go out tonight.
B) He’s two tired to go out tonight.
C) He’s too tired to go out tonight.
D) He’s to tired too go out tonight.
Question 10:
Select the correct spelling of the word:
A) Dilema
B) Dilemna
C) Dilemma
D) Delimma
Question 1:
Which of the following words is the closest in meaning to “Eloquent”?
A) Silent
B) Talkative
C) Fluent
D) Boring
Question 2:
Identify the antonym (opposite) of the word “Benevolent.”
A) Malevolent
B) Kind
C) Generous
D) Compassionate
Question 3:
In which sentence is the word “Ubiquitous” used correctly?
A) The rare flower is ubiquitous in this region.
B) His talent for singing is truly ubiquitous.
C) Cell phones have become ubiquitous in modern society.
D) The small town was known for its ubiquitous population.
Question 4:
Choose the sentence with the correct use of the word “Principal.”
A) The principle of the matter was clear to everyone.
B) He’s the principle investigator on the research project.
C) The principal reason for the delay was the bad weather.
D) The principle called a meeting to address the students’ concerns.
Question 5:
Select the synonym for the word “Eminent.”
A) Common
B) Famous
C) Insignificant
D) Ordinary
Question 6:
Which sentence uses “Effect” correctly?
A) The new law will effect positive change in the community.
B) The medicine had an adverse affect on his health.
C) The scientist was awarded for her exceptional efforts in the field of climate change effects.
D) The detective worked diligently to effect the capture of the criminal.
Question 7:
Identify the sentence with the correct use of “Their.”
A) There going to the party later.
B) Their going to the party later.
C) They’re going to the party later.
D) There going to the party later.
Question 8:
What does the idiom “Bite the bullet” mean?
A) To eat something quickly
B) To endure a difficult situation courageously
C) To argue with someone
D) To avoid making a decision
Question 9:
Choose the sentence with the correct use of “Too.”
A) He’s to tired to go out tonight.
B) He’s two tired to go out tonight.
C) He’s too tired to go out tonight.
D) He’s to tired too go out tonight.
Question 10:
Select the correct spelling of the word:
A) Dilema
B) Dilemna
C) Dilemma
D) Delimma
Some Frequently Asked Questions about Amag Buz Ventures Job Aptitude test 2025
Q: Can I take the test on my phone?
A: We strongly advise against using your phone for the test. Using your phone can result in your test
being terminated when calls or SMS come in during the test as this can be considered suspicious
activities (see the question on suspicious activities for more details).
Q: Can I take the test more than once?
A: You are only allowed to take the test only once. If you take the test more than once, it is only your
score from the first attempt that will be recorded.
Q: Is the test timed?
A: Yes. All tests have a time duration in which they must be completed. Once the duration is
reached, the test will be terminated, and your score recorded and submitted.
Q: What if I mistakenly end the test before I am done?
A: Once a test is submitted or closed, it will be assumed that the test has been completed and
Q: Would I be allowed to retake the test if my test automatically ended because of network or
internet issues?
A: No, you would not be allowed to retake the test. You are advised to make sure you have quality
internet service to avoid this.
Q: Would I be allowed to use the calculator on my system for the test for mathematical questions?
A: Opening another app on your device while taking the test is considered an unusual behaviour so
we advise you have a physical calculator for the test.
Q: My test just ended. I don?t know what happened. What should I do?
A: Your test can be terminated for several reasons ? internet connection, suspicious behaviour, or test
time elapsed.
Please ensure you have good and reliable internet before starting the examination to prevent
termination due to poor internet connection.
If you perform five (5) suspicious activities, your test will be terminated. Every time a suspicious
activity is noticed, you will get a warning. By the fifth (5th) warning, your test will be terminated.
Q: What are suspicious activities?
A: Your test will be terminated if you perform five (5) suspicious activities. The following activities are
considered suspicious activities /unusual behaviour:
? Minimizing the browser.
? Resizing the browser.
? Opening a new tab.
? Opening a new program.
? Take a screenshot. (Desktop)
? Pressing Ctrl + C.
? Pressing Ctrl + V.
? Pressing Print Screen.
? Pressing F12.
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