Download AEA303 – Agricultural Production Economics (october-2019)
University Village, Nnamdi Azikiwe Expressway, Plot 91, Cadastral Zone, Jabi, Abuja
PoP Examination Questions, November/December, 2019
Programme: Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness
Course Title: Agricultural Production Economics
Course code: AEA 303
Credit Unit: 2
Time Allowed: 2 Hours
INSTRUCTION: Answer Compulsory question 1 (25 marks) and any 3 other questions (15 marks each).
1 a (i) Explain the term production function with diagram (2 marks)
(ii) State the algebraic expression of production function. (2marks)
b State five (5) relationships between TPP and MPP (5 marks)
c Mention three (3) uses of economics in agriculture ( 3 marks )
d Explain the following resources used in Agricultural production.
i. Fixed resources (3 marks)
ii. Variable resources ( 3 marks)
iii. Flow resources (3 marks)
e. Explain two (2) importance of the law of diminishing returns in Agricultural production (4 mks)
2(a) Itemize five (5) areas of specialization in Agricultural economics. (5 marks)
(b) Describe five (5) characteristic features of Stage 1 of the production process (10 marks)
3 (a) Discuss the following Law of returns. 9 marks
i) Law of Increasing Returns ( 3marks)
ii) Law of Constant Returns ( 3marks)
iii) Law of Decreasing Returns ( 3marks)
b) Consider the production function of rice output as follows:
Y = 100 + 400X – 2X2
Where Y = rice output (kg) and X = fertilizer application (kg)
Calculate: (i) The level of input that will maximize rice output.
(ii) The optimum quantity of rice that could be produced. 6 marks
4) (a) State the meaning and application of Agricultural Economics (5 marks)
(b) Determine the state of elasticity of production at the three stages of production. (10 marks)
5) ( a) Explain the three (3) types of production:
(i) Primary Production (3 marks)
(ii) Secondary Production (3 marks)
(iii) Tertiary Production ( 3marks)
(b) Discuss three (3) usefulness of production function. (6 marks)
6 (a) Discuss any three (3) factors of production. ( 9 marks)
(b) Explain the Short run and Long run period in production. (6 marks)
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