Can you ace these NLNG SIWES Training Programme Aptitude Test questions? Start honing your skills with some past questions practice and get a preview of what you can expect on test day.
We pulled these NBC bank questions from our study pack NLNG SIWES Training Programme aptitude-test past questions studypack. Each sample question includes correct answers, so you can see how to crack it!
Sample NLNG SIWES Training Programme Aptitude Test Past Questions and answers
1. Statistic is not concerned with scientific methods for collecting, summarizing, presenting and analyzing data as well as with drawing valid conclusions and making reasonable decisions on the basis of analysis.
A. True
B. False
2. A variable that can theoretically assume any value between two given values is called what?
A. Constant
B. Discrete
C. Continuous
D. Inductive
3. The phase of statistics dealing with conclusions under which such inference is valid is called what?
A. Deductive statistics
B. Descriptive statistics
C. Inductive statistics
D. Probability Statistics
4. The phase of statistics that seeks only to describe and analyses a given group without drawing any conclusion inferences about a larger group is called what?
A. Deductive statistics
B. Probability Statistics
C. Inductive statistics
D.Non-Probability Statistics
5. A more convenient way of writing numbers using powers of 10 as in the case of 864,000,000 into two decimal places is
A.8.64 × 108
B.8.64 × 107
C.0.864 × 109
D.0.0864 × 1010
Choose from the letters labelled A-E the one which is related to the fifth word in the same way as the words of the first two pairs are related.
The answer is ‘few’, we therefore shade space ‘B’.
1. Telegram; let, derive; red, marble, ______________
A. mar
B. meal
C. real
D. ram
E. man
2. Last, Salt; part, rapt; sent, ___________
A. lens
B. nest
C. test
D. next
E. text
3. Midrib, bird; trolley, yell; cinema, ___________
A. aim
B. mean
C. amen
D. earn
E. main
4. Staring, sting; dispatch, ditch; Scaffold, ____________
A. scalf
B. fold
C. loaf
D. scold
E. old
5. Behind, bed; shine, she; tongue, ____________
A. tone
B. toe
C. ton
D. gun
E. top
1. The recent shift in voting power in favour of emerging and developing nations in the World Bank International Monetary. Fund (IMF) is weighted:
A. 2%
B. 2.2%
C. 3%
D. 3.3%
E. 1.5%
2. The late President of Poland, Aleksander Kalzynski died in a plane crash while approaching the following air-bases:
A. Takieh
B. Gdansk
C. ksiezye
D. Smolensk
E. Sejim
3. Ex-Governor James Ibori ruled Delta State from
A. 1999-2007
B. 1998-2007
C. 2000-2007
D. 1998-2006
E. none of the above
4. The World health Day was celebrated for the first time in the year?
A. 1950
B. 1948
C. 1947
D. 1938
E. 1929
5. The World health Day was celebrated annually on:
A. 10th April
B. 15th April
C. 7th April
D. 3rd April
E.28th April
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