Kwara State Civil Service Promotion Exams Past Questions and Answers 2025 Update
Kwara State Civil Service Promotion Exams Past Questions and Answers 2025 Update, Here you will get? the latest version of the Kwara State Civil Service Promotion Exams past questions and answers all compiled in PDF format,? All individuals who have participated in the Kwara State Civil Service recruitment are advised to get a copy of the Kwara State Civil Service Promotion Exams Past Questions and answers. These past questions and answers is a complete guide for the Kwara State Civil Service Promotion interview. However, you are advised to follow the instructions below to get your copy.
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Over the years, a lot of successful candidates who purchased the Kwara state civil service commission promotions exam past question papers from us have been sending their goodwill messages and testimonies to us and at this point, we?re convinced that all you need to study to pass the forthcoming screening test is the past question papers.
Kwara State Civil Service Exam Format
It usually includes:
- Use of English
- Mathematics
- Current Affairs
- General Knowledge
Remember you need to score high in all the subjects to get promoted by the Kwara state civil service commission. You have to take this examination very serious if you want to be promoted.
Free Sample of Kwara State Civil Service Promotion Exams Past Questions and Answers
1). Which one of the countries below shares boundary with Kwara state?
A. Republic of Benin
B. Cameroun
C. Ghana
D. United Aram Emirate (UAC)
Answer: Option A
2).? What year was Ilorin incorporated into the Protectorate of Northern Nigeria?
A. 1910
B. 2000
C. 1889
D.? 1900
Answer: Option D
3). Choose the option that best conveys the meaning of the underlined portion in the following sentence;
His jail terms were to run?concurrently
A. uniformly
B. simultaneously
C. laboriously
D. consecutively
Answer: Option B
4). One of the following is not one of the main agenda of the current Kwara State Government / Administration?
A. Skills acquisition
B. Promote agribusiness
C. Construction and rehabilitation of roads
D. Local technological inventions
Answer:?Option C
5). What is the average population of Kwara State?
A. 2 million
B. 3 million
C. 4 million
D. 5 million
Answer: Option A
6). Kwara State was created 1967. Which month and day was this creation done officially?
A. May 27th
B. March 5th
C. July 3rd
D. January 23rd
Answer: Option A
7). Choose the option that best conveys the meaning of the underlined portion in the following sentence;
Mr. Adebayo could be a successful businessman if he paid more attention to the more intricate aspects of his account
A. Mr Adebayo will undoubtedly succeed
B. Mr Adebayo cannot succeed
C. Adebayo will have a very good chance of succeeding
D. Mr. Adebayo will find it difficult to succeed
Answer: Option C
8). From a container, full of pure milk, 20% is replaced by water and this process is repeated three times. At the end of third operation, the quantity of pure milk reduces to?
A. 40.0%
B. 50.0%
C. 51.2%
D. 58.8%
Answer:?Option C
9). In how many generations a computer can be classified?
A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. 6
Answer:?Option C
10). In order to tell Excel programme that we are entering a formula in a cell, we must begin with an operator such as?
A. $
B. @
C. +
D. =
Answer:?Option D
11). Any data or instruction entered into the memory of a computer is considered as?
A. Storage
B. Output
C. Input
D. Information
Answer:?Option C
12). Complete the following sentence by choosing the option that most suitably fills the space;
The boy was born before his parents actually got married and so the court has declared him ____
A. illegal
B. illegitimate
C. illicit
D. unlawful
E. untenable
Answer: Option B
13). Given;
Purchases = N20,000
Sales = N40,000
Carriage inwards = N5,000
Carriage outwards = N5,000
Opening stock = N10,000
Closing stock = N5,000
What is the cost of goods sold?
A. N15,000
B. N25,000
C. N20,000
D. N30,000
Answer: Option D
14). A man completes a certain journey by a car. If he covered 30% of the distance at the speed of 20kmph. 60% of the distance at 40km/h and the remaining of the distance at 10 kmph, his average speed is:
A. 30 km/h
B. 28 km/h
C. 25 km/h
D. 33 km/h
Answer: Option C
15). In the numbers given below, choose the one that has nothing in common with the rest?
10, 25, 45, 54, 60, 75, 80
A. 10
B. 45
C. 54
D. 75
Answer:?Option C
Each of the numbers except 54 is multiple of 5.
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