FCMB Aptitude test Past Questions & Answers – 2025 Updated
This FCMB Job Aptitude Test past questions and answers study pack will help you prepare faster for your best performance in the upcoming FCMB recruitment aptitude test.
Specially packed for Graduate trainees (Entry level) tests conducted by Workforce Group and also in-house Experienced Professional roles administered by the FCMB staffing department.?
You only need about 24-hours of dedicated practice, and you will be exposed to everything you will see?on your test.
Study pack (Download) is delivered instantly to your email address and can also be downloaded from your Teststreams account, after successful payment.
To perform your best, a crucial part of your preparation tactics, is to practice previous years’ papers.?Solving these?will help you understand the exam pattern, know the level of difficulty and ultimately, and help you create your best preparation strategy.
About the test format
Currently, FCMB Aptitude test is administered by Workforce Group. Questions covers the following
- Workforce Numerical reasoning,and
- Verbal and Critical reasoning.
Sample FCMB Job Aptitude Test Past Questions and answers
Quantitative Reasoning
1. Simplify 52.4 ? 5.7 ? 3.45 ? 1.75
A. 42.1
B. 41.4
C. 42.2
D. 41.5
See the Answer
The correct answer is B.
2. A trader bought goats for N4,000 each. He sold them for N180,000 at a loss of 25%. How many goats did he buy?
A. 50
B. 60
C. 36
D. 45
See the Answer
The correct answer is D.
3. The range of the data k + 2, k ? ? 1 and k + 6 is
A. 11
B. 10
C. 8
D. 6
See the Answer
The correct answer is B.
4. The probability of a student passing any examination is 32. If the student takes three examinations, what is the probability that he will not pass the exam?
A. 4/9
B. 2/3
C. 1/27
D. 8/27
See the Answer
The correct answer is C.
5. The mean of a set of six numbers is 60. If the mean of the first five is 50, find the sixth number in the set.
A. 95
B. 100
C. 110
D. 105
See the Answer
The correct answer is B.
Click here to get the complete FCMB Job aptitude-test past questions studypack
Verbal Reasoning
Choose the option nearest in meaning to the word(s) or phrase in bold.
1. I cannot understand why Ali should serve in that?moribund?administration.
A. oppressive
B. prodigal
C. crumbling
D. purposeless
See the Answer
The correct answer is D.
2. The Conference Center caters for?transients?only.
A. temporary guests
B. professionals
C. permanent guests
D. novices
See the Answer
The correct answer is C.
3. The village girl wore?sumptuous?clothes.
A. faded-looking
B. cheap
C. expensive
D. loose-fitting
See the Answer
The correct answer is B.
Fill each gap with the most appropriate option from the list provided
4. _________ you come early to the new house, clean up my flat.
A. While
B. By chance
C. Should
D. Should in case
See the Answer
The correct answer is A.
5. This imposing edifice ? a fortune to build.
A. had costed
B. have cost
C. costed
D. cost
See the Answer
The correct answer is D.
In the test, you will be given about 50 questions to be answer in 60 minutes.
Your speed and accuracy in answering the questions is key to your success in FCMB Aptitude test.
Accessing Your?Study pack:
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Some Frequently Asked Questions About First City Monument Aptitude Test 2025
Q: Can I take the test on my phone?
A: We strongly advise against using your phone for the test. Using your phone can result in your test
being terminated when calls or SMS come in during the test as this can be considered suspicious
activities (see the question on suspicious activities for more details).
Q: Can I take the test more than once?
A: You are only allowed to take the test only once. If you take the test more than once, it is only your
score from the first attempt that will be recorded.
Q: Is the test timed?
A: Yes. All tests have a time duration in which they must be completed. Once the duration is
reached, the test will be terminated, and your score recorded and submitted.
Q: What if I mistakenly end the test before I am done?
A: Once a test is submitted or closed, it will be assumed that the test has been completed and
Q: Would I be allowed to retake the test if my test automatically ended because of network or
internet issues?
A: No, you would not be allowed to retake the test. You are advised to make sure you have quality
internet service to avoid this.
Q: Would I be allowed to use the calculator on my system for the test for mathematical questions?
A: Opening another app on your device while taking the test is considered an unusual behaviour so
we advise you have a physical calculator for the test.
Q: My test just ended. I don?t know what happened. What should I do?
A: Your test can be terminated for several reasons ? internet connection, suspicious behaviour, or test
time elapsed.
Please ensure you have good and reliable internet before starting the examination to prevent
termination due to poor internet connection.
If you perform five (5) suspicious activities, your test will be terminated. Every time a suspicious
activity is noticed, you will get a warning. By the fifth (5th) warning, your test will be terminated.
Q: What are suspicious activities?
A: Your test will be terminated if you perform five (5) suspicious activities. The following activities are
considered suspicious activities /unusual behaviour:
? Minimizing the browser.
? Resizing the browser.
? Opening a new tab.
? Opening a new program.
? Take a screenshot. (Desktop)
? Pressing Ctrl + C.
? Pressing Ctrl + V.
? Pressing Print Screen.
? Pressing F12.
Can you ace these FCMB Job Aptitude Test questions? Start honing your skills with some past questions practice and get a preview of what you can expect on test day.
We pulled these FCMB Job questions from our study pack?FCMB Job aptitude-test past questions studypack. Each sample question includes correct answers, so you can see how to crack it!Note about the test format:?On the FCMB job aptitude test, you’ll face 2 test sections:Quantitative reasoning and Verbal reasoning