
HCP Aptitude Test Past Questions And Answers [Free – PDF Download]

HCP Aptitude Test Past Questions And Answers [Free – PDF Download] Embarking on a career journey with HCP is an exciting step towards growth and impact. To ensure you shine in the competitive selection process and secure your desired role, thorough preparation is essential. Our “HCP Aptitude Test Past Questions and Answers” provide the compass […]

HCP Aptitude Test Past Questions And Answers [Free – PDF Download]

Embarking on a career journey with HCP is an exciting step towards growth and impact. To ensure you shine in the competitive selection process and secure your desired role, thorough preparation is essential. Our “HCP Aptitude Test Past Questions and Answers” provide the compass to guide you towards success in the assessment.

The “HCP Aptitude Test Past Questions and Answers” provide the essential resources to bolster your efforts, offering insights, familiarity, and the confidence necessary for success.

Invest in your future by obtaining the “HCP Aptitude Test Past Questions and Answers.” Equipped with these resources, you’re poised to excel in the assessment process. Step into the realm of healthcare impact with confidence, ready to contribute your skills and secure your desired role with HCP.

About Human capital partners (HCP)

HCP focuses on the search and selection of executives and specialists for diverse companies and clients. They also offer HR consulting services in areas such as interim management, organisation design and development, people strategy and human capital management, employer branding, compensation and benefits consulting, human resource information systems, psychometrics, outsourcing and career counselling and outplacements, with selected alliance and co-operation partners.

HCP Recruits for First Bank, Diamond Bank, Nigeria Bottling company (NBC),  among others… More recently, HCP is conducting the first bank service executive conversation test.

This study pack is a collection of well researched aptitude test questions and answers conducted by HCP. We regularly update the pack with the most recent questions that appears on the tests.

HCP Assessments / Aptitude tests format

Depending on the job role you applied for, HCP aptitude tests comprises of

  • Numerical reasoning test,
  • Quantitative reasoning test
  • Verbal reasoning test,
  • Logical Reasoning test,
  • Analytical writing,
  • General Banking Awareness/General Knowledge,
  • Pattern recognition/ Abstract reasoning questions.
  • Personality Tests

Your speed and accuracy in answering these questions is key to your success on the test.

Free Sample Human Capital Partners Aptitude Test / HCP Past Questions and answers

Here are some sample HCP questions for Quantitative reasoning. (2023 set).


1. What is 333 times 135?
A. 46323
B. 43623
C. 43290
D. 44955
E. None of these

The correct answer is D



2.Evaluate: – 986 × 207 – 986 × 107
A. 108400
B. 98600
C. 76500
D. 64600
E. None of these

The correct answer is B



3. Which of the following is larger than 3/5?
A. ½
B. 39/50
C. 7/25
D. 3/10
E. 59/100

See the AnswerThe correct answer is B



4. In a class composed of x girls and y boys what part of the class is composed of girls?
A. y/(x + y)
B. x/xy
C. x/(x + y)
D. y/xy
E. None of these

See the Answer

The correct answer is C



5. If (11)3 is subtracted from the square of a number, the answer so obtained is 6590. What is the number?
A. 36
B. 58
C. 89
D. 48
E. None of these

The correct answer is C




1. Pick out the most effective words from the given words to fill in the blank to make the sentence meaningfully complete. I ______ with my sister _______ I find an apartment.
A. am living, until
B. have been living, since
C. had lived, since
D. had been living, since
E. am living, since

The correct answer is A



2. Fill in the blank with the correct form of tense: He ______ a fortune by writing various kinds of books.
A. Did making
B. Would made
C. Is making
D. Will made
E. Will make

The correct answer is C



3.Select the correct tense. He will have been working for four hours.
A. Past Perfect Continuous
B. Present Perfect Continuous
C. Future Perfect
D. Future Perfect Continuous
E. None of the above

The correct answer is D



4. Select the correct tense. John had been working in a bank for some years.
A. Simple past
B. Past continuous
C. Past perfect continuous
D. Past perfect.
E. None of the above

The correct answer is C



Choose from the letters labelled A-E the one which is related to the fifth word in the same way as the words of the first two pairs are related.
5. Example: Slow; sow, blow; bow, flew, ____________
A. ewe
B. few
C. low
D. foe
E. leaf

The correct answer is B

Under law, negligence is usually defined in the context of jury instructions wherein a judge instructs the jury that a party is to be considered negligent if they failed to exercise the standard of care that areasonable person would have exercised under the same circumstances. In most jurisdictions, it is necessary to show first that a person had a duty to exercise care in a given situation, and that they breached that duty.
In brief: Negligence, a tort, is a civil wrong consisting of five criteria: Duty or reasonable standard of care (as decided by judge as a matter of law), Breach (or “negligence” in laymen’s terms, decided as a matter of fact), Injury (the fact that the plaintiff suffered an injury, and is determined at a matter of fact), Cause in Fact or conduct of defendant that causes plaintiff’s injury(s)(decided as a matter of fact), Legal Cause (now perceived as the foreseeability of the type of injury caused but not the specific injury or extent of injury, determined as a matter of fact). Matters of law are decided by a judge, matters of fact are decided by a jury.
In order to prove negligence, it is not necessary to prove harm, but in order for a cause of action to rest in tort, harm must be proven. Hence, it would be meaningless to sue someone for negligence if no harm resulted. Conversely, it is not enough that a harm was done. In order for the harm to be
compensable in a negligence lawsuit, the defendant must be shown to have been negligent, and it must be demonstrated that his negligence was theproximate cause of the harm sustained by the

6) Proximate cause is an important concept in cases ofnegligence.
A. True
B. False
C. Can’t say
Answer : A


7) In some cases negligence can be proven but harm cannot beproven.
A. True
B. False
C. Can’t say
Answer : C



1. In Banking terminology NPA means
A. Non-Promise Account
B. Non-Personal Account
C. Non-Performing Asset
D. Net-performing Asset

The correct answer is C



2. What is the full form of ‘ULIP’ the term which was in the news recently?
A. Universal Life & Investment Plan
B. Unit Loan & Investment Plan
C. Unit Linked Insurance Plan
D. Uniformly Loaded Investment Plan

The correct answer is C



3. Which of the following is NOT a banking related term?
A. Radiation
B. Outstanding Amount
C. Explicit Guarantee
D. Benchmark Prime Lending Rate

The correct answer is A



4. Which from the following is NOT true when the interest rate in the economy goes up?
A. Saving increases
B. Lending decreases
C. Cost of production increases
D. Return on capital increases

The correct answer is D



5. Rate of interest is determined by:
A. The rate of return on the capital invested
B. Central Government
C. Liquidity preferences
D. Commercial Banks

The correct answer is D


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HCP Aptitude Test Past Questions And Answers [Free - PDF Download]
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