These Agricultural Science questions and answers were pulled from our book ( Agricultural Science questions for JSS3); Compiled to serve as a reference material to help teachers draw up test and exam questions faster. It could also help students assess their level of exam preparation. Each sample question includes correct answers.
Sample Agricultural Science Exam Questions and Answers
DIRECTION: Choose the correct answer from the lettered options.
1. In the maintenance of a tractor, ______ is least important.
A. replacing all worn and missing parts
B. draining and clean the radiator
C. tightening all loose bolts and nuts
D. painting when defaced
2. A mower is used for ___________
A. cutting
B. dressing
C. shelling
D. threshing
3. Which of the following is a primary machinery?
A. Cultivator
B. Plough
C. Extractor
D. Rotator
4. The following are types of tractors EXCEPT _______.
A. two-wheeled tractor
B. general-purpose tractors
C. clearing tractors
D. heavy wheeled tractors
5. A typical example of a secondary tillage implement is called ______.
A. plough
B. harrow
C. ridge
D. chisel plough
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DIRECTION: Choose the correct answer from the lettered options
1. The record of all items produced on the farm including crops, livestock and their products is called?
A. Production record
B. Sales record
C. Inventory record
D. Breeding
E. Consumptive records
2. _______ record is a record kept for the feeding, breeding, production and management practices in farm animal.
A. Inventory
B. Production
C. Livestock
D. Breeding
3. A farm diary contains the following with the exception of _______.
A. type of work done
B. number of workers
C. date
D. numbers of and equipment
4. A record of all properties and resources owned by the farmer is recorded in ______.
A. farm inventory
B. production record
C. farm diary
D. diary
5. Are _________________.
A. boards that show animal feed record
B. books that show what is in the farm
C. books showing the record of sales of eggs
D. books showing the activities within a planting season