
Download GMAT® Official Guide Updated

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Original price was: $60.Current price is: $49.

A supplement to the Official Guide with 300 additional quantitative questions. The GMAT Official Guide Quantitative Review 2025 provides targeted preparation for the mathematical portion of the GMAT exam. Next GMAT Aptitude Test is Happening Soon!



Format: PDF download

Number of Pages: 1560 pages

Years Covered: 2020 - 2024

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Original price was: $60.Current price is: $49.

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The GMAT® Official Guide 2025

The Official Guide for GMAT 2025 will improve your  skills by focusing your GMAT preparation on the area where you need to get help.

This edition includes  new questions and exclusive access to the same questions from this guide online. Don’t waste time practicing with fake GMAT questions. Optimize your study time with the GMAT® Official Guide 2025, using real questions from actual past exams.

Designed by the Graduate Management Admission Council, this guide contains 300 real GMAT questions from past exams, covering data sufficiency and problem solving, including 45 never-before-seen questions.

The GMAT® Official Guide Quantitative Review 2025 helps you improve your quantitative skills with data sufficiency and problem solving practice questions and answer explanations. Focus your study on where you need help the most. This guide features:

  • 300 real questions from past GMAT exams, including 45 never-before-seen questions
  • An overview of the exam to help you get familiar with the content and format
  • Review essential algebra, geometry, arithmetic, and word problems
  • Detailed answer explanations that explain how the test maker thinks about a question
  • Questions organized in order of difficulty from easiest to hardest
  • Access to the same questions online at gmat.wiley.com, where you can build your own practice sets

Frequently Asked Questions about the Official Guides

To access the online question bank, you must have the latest version of one of the following browsers: Firefox 20+, Chrome 20+, Internet Explorer IE10+, Mac Safari 6.0+. Supported OS: Mac, Windows 7+.

Please note: The online component will expire one (1) year from the date of activation.

This study material should be used for practice purposes only. If you are preparing for the 2025 GMAT® Exam, then you should visit www.mba.com to get the 2025 version of the book.

We recommend pairing it with our other study guides: The GMAT® Official Guide 2025 and The GMAT® Official Guide Verbal Review 2025.

Sample of The Official Guide for GMAT® Quantitative Review 2023

1.0 What Is the GMAT ™ Exam?

The Graduate Management Admission Test™ (GMATrM) exam is a standardized exam used in admissions decisions by more than 7,000 graduate management programs worldwide, at approximately 2,300 graduate business schools worldwide. It helps you gauge, and demonstrate to schools, your academic potential for success in graduate-level management studies.
The four-part exam measures your Analytical Writing, Integrated Reasoning, Verbal Reasoning, and Quantitative Reasoning skills- ·higher-order reasoning skills that management faculty, admissions professionals, and employers worldwide have identified as important for incoming students to have.
“Higher-order” reasoning skills involve complex judgments, and include critical thinking, analysis, and problem solving. Unlike undergraduate grades and curricula, which vary in their meaning across regions and institutions, your GMAT scores provide a standardized, statistically valid an<l reliable measure of how you are likely to perform academically in the core curriculum of a graduate management program. ‘Ihe GMAT exam’s validity, fairness, and value in admissions have been well-established through numerous academic studies.
The GMAT exam is delivered entirely in English and solely on a computer, It is not a test of business knowledge, subject-matter mastery, English vocabulary, or advanced computational skills. The GMAT exam also does not measure other factors related to success in graduate management study, such as job experience, leadership ability, motivation, and interpersonal skills. Your GMAT score is intended to be used as one admissions criterion among other, more subjective, criteria, such as admissions essays and interviews.

1.1 Why Take the GMAT ™ Exam?
Launched in 1954 by a group of nine business schools to provide a uni form measure of the academic skills needed to succeed in their programs, the GMAT exam is now used by more than 7,000 graduate management programs at approximately 2,300 institutions worldwide.
Taking the GMAT exam helps you stand out in the admissions process and demonstrate your readiness and commitment to pursuing graduate management education. Schools use GMAT scores to help them select the most qualified applicants-because they know that candidates who take the GMAT exam are serious about earning a graduate business degree, and it’s a proven predictor of a student’s ability to succeed in his or her chosen program. When you consider which programs to apply to, you can look at a school’s use of the GMAT exam as one indicator of’ quality. Schools that use the GMAT exam typically list score ranges or average scores in their class profiles, so you may also find these profiles helpful in gauging the academic competitiveness of a program you are considering and how well your performance on the exam compares with that of the students enrolled in the program.

No matter how you perform on the GMAT exam, yo11 should contact the schools that interest you to learn more and to ask how they use GMAT scores and other criteria (such as your undergraduate grades, essays, and letters of recommendation) in their admissions processes. School admissions offices, web sites, and materials published by schools arc the key sources of information when you are doing research about where you might want to go to business school.
For more information on the GMAT exam, test preparation materials, registration, how to use and send yotir GMAT scores to schools, and applying to business school, please visit www.mba.com

1.2 GMAT™ Exam Format

‘The GMAT exam consists of four separately timed sections (sec the table on the next page). The Analytical Writing Assessment (AWA) section consists of one essay. The Integrated Reasoning section consists of graphical and data analysis questions in multiple response formats. ‘foe Quantitative and Verbal Reasoning sections consist of multiple-choice questions.
The Quantitative and Verbal Reasoning sections of the GMAT exam are computer adaptive, which means that the test draws from a large bank of questions to tailor itself 1’0 your ability level, and you won’t gel many questions that arc too hard or too easy for yoti, TI1c first question will be of medium difficulty. As you answer each question, the computer scores your answer and uses it-as well as your responses to all preceding questions-to select the next question.
Computer-adaptive tests become more difficult the more questions you answer correctly, but if you get a question that seems easier than the last one, it docs not necessarily mean you answered the last question incorrectly. The test has to cover a range or content, both in the type of question asked and the subject matter presented.

Because the computer uses your answers to select your next questions, you may not skip questions or go back and change your answer to a previous question. lf you don’t know the answer to a question, try to eliminate as many choices as possible, then select the answer you think is best.
‘Though the individual questions are different, the mix of question types is the same for every GMAT exam. Your score is determined by the difficulty and statistical characteristics of the questions you answer as well as the number of questions you answer correctly. By adapting to each test-taker, the GMAT exam is able to accurately and efficiently gauge skill levels over a full range of abilities, from very high to very low.

6 reviews for Download GMAT® Official Guide Updated

  1. Emmanuel Effiong (verified owner)

    Very useful PACK. tHANK YOU

  2. Orie (verified owner)

    This study pack provided very good preparation for the exam.

  3. Liana (verified owner)

    Nothing good like how it was advertised

  4. Dera Obuak (verified owner)

    This is awesome… I passed my exam.

  5. Ibitoye Ikeoluwa (verified owner)

    After the test I will give my complete feedback, for now, im satisfied.

  6. Anonymous (verified owner)

    By far the best test pack online, you will not be disappointed.

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Download Gmat® Official Guide Updated
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