Nigerian Army Aptitude Test Preparation Tips and Past Questions Guide

Nigerian Army Aptitude Test Preparation Tips and Past Questions Guide

When embarking on the journey to join the Nigerian Army, a well-structured and detailed approach to preparing for the aptitude test is crucial. This guide aims to provide you with invaluable insights, practical tips, and effective strategies, designed to enhance your preparation and instill confidence. It meticulously addresses every aspect of the test, from understanding the intricacies of the exam format to deep-diving into key subject areas. This comprehensive guide is tailored to ensure that you are not just prepared but optimally equipped to excel in the test, paving the way for your successful entry into the esteemed ranks of the Nigerian Army. Let’s delve into this holistic preparation journey, where every step is aimed at empowering you to confidently navigate through the challenges of the aptitude test and turn your aspiration of serving in the Nigerian Army into a reality.

About the Nigeria Army

The Nigerian Army, as the land component of the Nigerian Armed Forces, boasts a rich history and pivotal role in the nation’s defense, tracing its origins back to 1863. It began with Lieutenant John Hawley Glover’s Constabulary Force, initially composed of freed Hausa slaves, aimed at protecting the Royal Niger Company from the Ashanti Empire’s incursions. This small unit, known as the “Glover Hausas,” laid the foundation for what would evolve into the Nigerian Army. Governed by the Nigerian Army Council and led by the Chief of Army Staff, the highest-ranking military officer, the Nigerian Army today stands as a testament to Nigeria’s military evolution and prowess. It has grown substantially, both in size and capabilities, to become the largest army in Sub-Saharan Africa, with over 150,000 personnel and a sophisticated arsenal. This growth not only reflects the army’s historical significance but also underscores its vital role in maintaining national security and stability. As a major component of the Nigerian Armed Forces, the Nigerian Army continues to play a critical role in addressing various security challenges within Nigeria and in the broader Sub-Saharan region, making it a key player in the pursuit of peace and stability in the area.

Format of the Nigeria Army Aptitude Test

The format of the Nigerian Army aptitude test, as of 2023, is structured to assess candidates in various areas. Here’s a summary of the test format:

  • Mathematics Section:
    The mathematics section usually includes;
    Basic Arithmetic: This fundamental aspect of mathematics involves operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. These skills are crucial as they form the building blocks for more complex mathematical problem-solving. Questions may range from simple calculations to more complex arithmetic problems, requiring a solid grasp of basic mathematical concepts.
  • Number Sequences: This area tests a candidate’s ability to recognize and continue sequences of numbers. These questions often involve identifying patterns or rules that govern the sequence of numbers and applying these rules to find missing numbers or the next number in the series. It’s a test of logical thinking and pattern recognition.
  • Statistics: This part of the test might include questions on data representation, analysis, and interpretation. It could involve understanding and working with mean, median, mode, range, and basic probability. Questions may be framed in real-life contexts, requiring candidates to interpret data from charts, graphs, or tables and make calculated decisions based on this data.
  • Everyday Math: This segment is focused on applying mathematical concepts to solve real-world problems. It can include questions on topics like percentages, ratios, time, distance, and basic financial mathematics such as interest calculations. This section tests a candidate’s ability to use math in practical situations, which is an essential skill in everyday life and military operations.

  • English Language Section:
    The questions asked in this section are usually derived from;
    Spelling: This is a basic yet essential component, as correct spelling is crucial for clear communication. Test questions may require candidates to identify or correct misspelled words. It tests attention to detail and a candidate’s familiarity with English orthography.
  • Grammar: This part assesses the candidate’s understanding of English grammar rules. It might include sentence correction, identifying grammatical errors, or choosing the correct grammatical structure for a sentence. This section evaluates a candidate’s ability to construct and understand well-formed sentences, which is key for effective communication.
  • Understanding of Analogies: This challenging aspect tests a candidate’s ability to see relationships between different elements. Questions typically present pairs of words or phrases, and candidates must identify the relationship between them and find another pair with a similar relationship. It’s a test of logical reasoning, vocabulary, and abstract thinking.

  • General Knowledge
  • Scope of General Knowledge: This section typically covers a wide array of topics. It may include questions on history, geography, science, and possibly aspects of Nigerian culture and governance. The questions are likely designed to assess not only the retention of factual information but also the ability to apply this knowledge in different contexts.
  • Relevance to Military Context: In addition to general education topics, this section may include questions specifically related to military knowledge. This could encompass the history of the Nigerian Army, significant military operations in Nigerian and global history, basic knowledge about military strategy, and an understanding of various roles and structures within the military.
  • Current Affairs: An important component of this section is likely to be current affairs, which tests a candidate’s awareness of recent events both nationally and globally. This could include knowledge about political developments, recent scientific advancements, global issues such as climate change or international relations, and significant cultural events.


Requirement for Joining the Nigeria Army

Here are some of the requirements to join the Nigeria Army

  1. Nationality:
    – To join the Nigerian Army, an applicant must be a Nigerian citizen by birth. This requirement ensures   that all personnel have a vested interest in the security and well-being of the nation.
    – Possession of a National Identity Card is also mandatory. This serves as proof of citizenship and aids in the verification of the individual’s identity, an essential step in the recruitment process to maintain the integrity and security of the army.
  2. Age Requirements:
    – The Nigerian Army sets specific age criteria to ensure that recruits possess the necessary maturity, resilience, and physical ability for military service.
    – For non-tradesmen/women, the typical age range is 18 to 22 years. 
    NB: The Nigerian Army Tradesmen is the type of enlistment in the Nigerian Army which is specifically designed for those who have trade tests. That is why it is called Tradesmen because only those who have trade certificates can apply for recruitment.
  3. Educational Qualifications:
    – A minimum educational qualification is crucial for ensuring that all personnel have a basic level of literacy and numeracy, which are essential for understanding and executing military duties and instructions.
    – The requirement for credits in English and Mathematics in school-leaving examinations like WAEC or NECO underlines the importance of these core subjects in military operations and communications.
    – For higher ranks or specialized roles, more advanced educational qualifications may be required to ensure that the personnel have the necessary knowledge and skills for these positions.
  4. Medical Fitness:
    – Medical, physical, and psychological fitness are paramount in the military context, where personnel must be able to handle physically demanding tasks and stressful situations.
    – The medical examination process is thorough, ensuring that recruits do not have any underlying health conditions that could impair their performance or require extensive medical attention.
  5. Height and Physical Requirements:
    – Height requirements are set to ensure uniformity and to facilitate certain operational needs where height may be a factor.
    – Physical fitness is non-negotiable, as the strenuous nature of military training and duties requires individuals who are physically robust and enduring.


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