Ghana Immigration Service Aptitude Test Past Questions and Answers [Free – PDF Download]

Ghana Immigration Service Aptitude Test Past Questions and Answers [Free – PDF Download]

Embarking on a career journey with the Ghana Immigration Service (GIS) is an opportunity to contribute to national security and border control. To stand out in the competitive selection process and secure your dream role, strategic preparation is paramount. The “Ghana Immigration Service Aptitude Test Past Questions and Answers” offer a powerful resource to enhance your chances of success.

Pursuing a career with the Ghana Immigration Service is both an honor and a responsibility. To excel and secure your role, meticulous preparation is key. The “Ghana Immigration Service Aptitude Test Past Questions and Answers” offer you a valuable tool to enhance your efforts, providing insights, familiarity, and the confidence required for success. Invest in your future by obtaining the “Ghana Immigration Service Aptitude Test Past Questions and Answers.” Equipped with these resources, you’re empowered with insights and readiness to excel in the selection process. Step into the realm of immigration and security with assurance, ready to conquer the assessment and showcase your potential in safeguarding the nation’s borders.

 The Power of Past Questions

The “Ghana Immigration Service Aptitude Test Past Questions and Answers” provide you with insights that can significantly elevate your preparation:

  • Exam Insights: Understand the test structure, question formats, and assessment nuances, boosting your confidence.
  • Pattern Recognition: Identify recurring question types and themes, enabling focused and efficient study.
  • Time Management Proficiency: Regular practice within timed conditions sharpens your ability to handle tasks under pressure.
  • Confidence Boost: Successfully answering past questions fosters confidence, ensuring you approach the real assessment with poise.

About Ghana Immigration Service

The Ghana Immigration Service (GIS) is an Agency of The Government of Ghana Under The Ministry of the interior. The Ghana Immigration Service Regulates Examination And Authorization of Application For Visas, Entry And Residence Permits In Ghana. Control of Foreign Nationals in Ghana, Facilitation of Ghanaian Passport Application Processing, Border Control And Management, Refugee Registration, Protection And Management. The Service Advises on And Ensures The Effective Implementation of All Laws And Regulations Pertaining to Immigration And Related Issues.

What you should expect on the Ghana Immigration Aptitude Test

Ghana Immigration Service Aptitude Test Format:  difficulty is generally the same for both the online test or the physical Computer based tests. Typically, the test involves:

  • Numerical reasoning
  • Abstract Reasoning
  • Verbal Ability
  • Diagrammatic Reasoning
  • Spatial Ability
  • Mechanical Reasoning
  •  Fault Diagnosis
  • Data Checking Ability
  • Work Sample

Sample Ghana Immigration Service Aptitude Test Past Questions and Answers

Numerical Reasoning:

Question: If a laptop costs $1200 and its price is increased by 10%, what is the new price?
a) $120
b) $1320
c) $132
d) $13200
Answer: b) $1320

Question: If a car travels at a speed of 70 kilometers per hour, how far will it travel in 3.5 hours?
a) 210 km
b) 245 km
c) 280 km
d) 315 km
Answer: c) 280 km

Question: If a rectangular garden has a length of 18 meters and a width of 6 meters, what is its area?
a) 72 sq meters
b) 108 sq meters
c) 124 sq meters
d) 144 sq meters
Answer: b) 108 sq meters

Question: If an item is originally priced at $80 and is on sale for 20% off, what is the sale price?
a) $16
b) $64
c) $68
d) $72
Answer: b) $64

Question: If a recipe calls for 3 cups of flour to make 36 cookies, how many cups of flour are needed to make 54 cookies?
a) 4.5 cups
b) 5 cups
c) 6 cups
d) 6.5 cups
Answer: c) 6 cups

Question: If a train travels a distance of 420 kilometers in 5 hours, what is its average speed in kilometers per hour?
a) 80 km/h
b) 84 km/h
c) 85 km/h
d) 88 km/h
Answer: b) 84 km/h

Question: If the temperature increased by 8°C and then decreased by 4°C, what is the net change in temperature?
a) 4°C increase
b) 4°C decrease
c) 8°C increase
d) 8°C decrease
Answer: c) 8°C increase

Question: If a company’s revenue increased by 15% last year and then decreased by 10% this year, what is the overall percentage change in revenue?
a) 5% increase
b) 5% decrease
c) 4.5% increase
d) 4.5% decrease
Answer: c) 4.5% increase


Verbal Reasoning:

Question: Identify the synonym of “Amplify.”
a) Reduce
b) Enhance
c) Disregard
d) Suppress
Answer: b) Enhance

Question: What is the antonym of “Innocent”?
a) Guilty
b) Harmless
c) Virtuous
d) Naive
Answer: a) Guilty

Question: Identify the word that doesn’t belong in the group:
a) Apple
b) Banana
c) Orange
d) Pear
Answer: d) Pear

Question: Choose the correct analogy: Ocean is to Water as Desert is to __________.
a) Sand
b) Heat
c) Sun
d) Cactus
Answer: a) Sand

Question: Select the word with the correct spelling:
a) Accommodate
b) Acommodate
c) Acommmodate
d) Accomodate
Answer: a) Accommodate

Question: Identify the sentence with correct grammar:
a) Her and me went to the store.
b) Him and I went to the store.
c) He and me went to the store.
d) He and I went to the store.
Answer: d) He and I went to the store.

Question: What is the meaning of “Eloquent”?
a) Confused
b) Fluent
c) Silent
d) Mute
Answer: b) Fluent

Question: Choose the word that best fits the sentence: “The ___________ garden was a sight to behold.”
a) Lush
b) Barren
c) Dull
d) Arid
Answer: a) Lush

Ghana Immigration Aptitude Test Past Questions 2022

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Ghana Immigration Service Aptitude Test Past Questions and Answers

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