NDDC Scholarship Aptitude Test Past Questions

Free NDDC Scholarship Aptitude Test Past Questions And Answers for COMPUTER ENGINEERING

We pulled these Computer Engineering questions from our study pack NDDC Scholarship aptitude-test past questions studypack. Each sample question includes correct answers, so you can see how to crack it!

Note about the test format: On the NDDC Scholarship aptitude test you’ll face 4 test sections: Mathematics, English language, General knowledge, and the Skill test section (Computer Engineering based questions).

Sample NDDC Scholarship Computer Engineering Aptitude Test Past Questions and answers

1. Computer virus that has the capability of infecting the Cmos is called.
A. CMAS virus
B. CMAT virus
C. CMOS virus
D. CMON virus

See the answer
The correct answer is C.

2. Maintaining access control means.
A. all access to the computer must be denied
B. that users can access only those resources and services which they are entitled but also denied of the resources that they legitimately don’t expect to access
C. maintaining computer traffic
D. A and B

See the answer
The correct answer is B.

3. What is callback in computer security?
A. A security feature that verifies that the dial-in user is who they say they are by calling back
B. A security camera that monitors the activities of people
C. It is a security gadget for phones only
D. A security Intel

See the answer
The correct answer is A.

4. Computer viruses, worms and Trojan horses are all classified as.
A. disease
B. bacterial
C. computer fungi
D. malicious programs

See the answer
The correct answer is D.

5.________ allows web pages and HTML based documents and emails to run scripts and applets that execute programs.
C. Active scripting

See the answer
The correct answer is C.

Click here to get the complete NDDC Scholarship past questions pack for Computer Engineering category

6. The IP in the acronym TCP/IP stands for.
A. Internet Packet
B. Internet Protocol
C. Iombic Protocol
D. Internal Protocol

See the answer
The correct answer is B.

7. CDA is an abbreviation for in computer security.
A. communication discrepancy act
B. commune decency act
C. communicate decency act
D. communication decency act

See the answer
The correct answer is D.

8. A (n) is a device or application used to inspect all network traffic and alert the user or administrator when there has been unauthorized attempts or access.
A. firewall
B. network monitor
C. IDS (Intrusion Detection System)
D. Honeypot

See the answer
The correct answer is C.

9. What is pharming in computer security and privacy?
A. Pharming is a scamming practice in which malicious code is installed on a Domain name server, misdirecting users to fraudulent Web sites without their knowledge or consent.
B. It is the similarity between two computer names.
C. It is an unsecure way of acquiring computer name.
D. It is a very safe method of sharing computer names and applications

See the answer
The correct answer is A.

10. What is Nonrepudiation in computer security?
A. It means that when a person sends a mail, such person(s) cannot deny that he sent that mail and the recipient cannot deny that the mail has been received.
B. It implies sending mail randomly.
C. It means resending mail to spam.
D. Sending spam mails to randomly.

See the answer
The correct answer is A.

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