Access Bank Internship Aptitude Test Preparation Tips and Past Questions Guide

Access Bank Internship Aptitude Test Preparation Tips and Past Questions Guide

Talking of how to succeed in Access Bank Internship Aptitude Test, nothing good comes easy especially when it is something you have been hoping to achieve for a long time. However, with adequate preparation and determination will help you in your succeed, Our collective past questions and answer will help you prepare faster and to tackle any challenges that may come during the assessments test with Access Bank.

About Access Bank

Over the past 26 years, Access Bank Plc. has evolved from an obscure Nigerian Bank into a world-class African financial institution. Today, we are one of the five largest banks in Nigeria in terms of assets, loans, deposits and branch network; a feat which has been achieved through a robust long-term approach to client solutions – providing committed and innovative advice.
Access Bank has built its strength and success in corporate banking and is now applying that expertise to the personal and business banking platforms it acquired from Nigeria’s International Commercial bank in 2012. The next two years were spent integrating the business, investing in infrastructure and strengthening the product offer.
As part of its continued growth strategy, Access Bank is focused on mainstreaming sustainable business practices into its operations. The Bank strives to deliver sustainable economic growth that is profitable, environmentally responsible, and socially relevant.

Why you Need the Access Bank Internship Bank Past Question?

1. You figure out the popular topics: There are some topics that recruitment bodies will tend to prefer more than others for thoroughly testing candidates. Even though the syllabus for instance, contains all the topics of interest, there will still be those topics that are high on the list with questions. By paying more attention to the popular topics, you will set yourself steps ahead in your preparation.

2. You become familiar with the pattern: This is similar to figuring out the popular topics. Bank screening test have some patterns of setting exam questions. This is not something they publicly announce or dish out to you after registering. Although, some might have a less clear pattern now considering they now conduct Computer Based Exams. It is suspected that in CBT exam, they are more likely to randomly select their questions from a database of thousands of questions in such a way that two candidates sitting next to each other are guaranteed of seeing different questions.

Success Tips to Pass Access Bank Internship Test Questions 

1. Ensure Your Mental Health: Health they say is wealth. According to the World Health Organization (2018), mental health is an integral part of health and there is no health without mental health. One of the threats to mental health is stress, anxiety and the lack of care for our well-being. When we fail to maintain a balance in our mental health, there are huge tendencies to answer questions unwittingly. Job aptitude tests most times aim to test our ability to think logically and abstractly. Proper care should be given to physical and mental well-being before the test day

2. Master The Format Of The Question: Some aptitude tests are based on verbal questions. Some on numeric ability, others on abstract reasoning. The first step to prepare for an exam or rather prepare for an aptitude test (as it applies in this case) is to find out the types of questions to expect in the aptitude test and also, how to answer aptitude test questions. Albeit, sometimes it’s safer to prepare for surprises when planning for an aptitude test. However, if possible, get informed prior to your aptitude test on the question format.

3. Know The Bank: Like the saying goes, know your competition. In this case, your direct competition may be Access bank but knowing what the bank is all about is a very big step to passing your aptitude test. Know basic information about Access Bank, know the date it was founded, the name of the head chairman, how many branches it has in Nigeria etc. These are basic questions you should familiarize yourself with, which could help you directly or indirectly when you are to answer your bank Internship aptitude test questions.

4. Practice Test: After having a clue as to the test type, get yourself practice questions, research online, solve as many questions as possible. These questions will help in identifying your clueless areas. The more questions you practice, the surer you would be of yourself. There are also questions on job aptitude tests you can easily get. We provide Job Aptitude Tests Past Questions on Exam pulse in case you need some.

5.  Be Careful With Instruction: Before you attempt any question, be sure you are in line with what is expected of you. Before you go for the test, familiarize yourself with how to answer aptitude test questions through the use of past questions. Never assume the instructions for a particular section is the same as the instruction in the other. Overlooking or misinterpreting instructions could affect your expected performance. It pays to be careful than sorry.

6. Get Access Bank Test Past Questions and Revise Past Interview Questions Rest assured, Access Bank aptitude test questions cannot come from the sky, they would definitely be questions already asked, they might just be twisted a little bit to test you further. Examples of past interview questions; “What is your greatest achievement in your former workplace?”, “what are your thoughts in the state of the economy”, “are you the last child of your family?” Etc. You might want to check possible Access Bank aptitude tests questions. Past questions will prepare and give you added confidence. Remember, when you fail to prepare, you prepare to fail.


Access Bank Internship Recruitment Process

Your journey to being and accessing more starts here. Our Recruitment process is tailored to bring out the best in you.

We have a highly-skilled, disciplined and ethical workforce. We recruit promising talent and groom them to become strong professionals with an affinity for growth, sustainability and leadership.

After you’ve sent in your application online, our recruitment process entails the following steps:

  • Step 1: Candidates that meet the Bank’s requirements are invited for a written test.
  • Step 2: An open day at our head office for all successful candidates. This is an event of interactive activities where you’ll be given further insight into what we do at Access Bank.
  • Step 3: A psychometric test, essay writing exercise, and panel interview.
  • Step 4: Final interview with the Head of Human resources.
  • Step 5: Training school offer letters sent to successful candidates

 Access Bank Internship Aptitude Test Format

  1. Quantitative reasoning,
  2. Verbal reasoning and
  3. Logical/general reasoning questions.

Stage 1 is getting to know you better. This stage comprises of 10 situation judgment tests (Questionnaire) to complete in 10 minutes.

Stage 2 involves the cognitive assessments (Quantitative, Verbal and Logical reasoning tests). The assessment will be in 2 sessions (Aptitude test and IQ test). You will answer the questions on a Tab provided at designated access bank offices nationwide.

Stage 3 is the assessment day. This is the final stage where you’ll face an interview panel, take on group exercises and case presentations.


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