Free NDDC Scholarship Aptitude Test Past Questions And Answers for Sociology

We pulled these Sociology questions from our study pack NDDC Scholarship aptitude-test past questions study pack. Each sample question includes correct answers, so you can see how to crack it!

Note about the test format: On the NDDC Scholarship aptitude test you’ll face 4 test sections: Mathematics, English language, General knowledge, and the Skill test section (Sociology based questions).

Sample NDDC Scholarship Sociology Aptitude Test Past Questions and answers

1. The term society is derived from which word
A. greek
B. latin
C. french
Answer: B. latin

2. Man is a social animal
A. aristotle
B. plato
C. comte
Answer: A. aristotle

3. ‘Sociology is the science of social institutions’
A. durkheim
B. weber
C. comte
Answer: A. durkheim

4. Sociology is a general science not a pure science- said by
A. synthetic school
B. specialistic school
C. frankfurt school
Answer: A. synthetic school

5. Sociology is a pure and independent science- said by
A. synthetic school
B. specialistic school
C. frankfurt school
Answer: B. specialistic school

6. ‘Society is a web of social relationships’- said by
A. maciver
B. comte
C. spencer
Answer: A. maciver

7. _________ refers to the organised way of doing things.
A. institution
B. association
C. community
Answer: A. institution

8. _________ consists of two or more individuals among whom we find an established pattern of interaction.
A. social system
B. social structure
C. social relationship
Answer: A. social system

9. Positive philosophy is the famous work of___________.
A. comte
B. weber
C. durkheim
Answer: A. comte

10. __________ is the system of social interaction
A. social system
B. social processes
C. social group
correct answer is A.[/su_spoiler]


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